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Check out our Fashion Design Photo Shoot

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Performing Arts Students at Sean O’Casey Theatre

The performing arts student are putting on three plays this week in the Sean O Casey Theatre in East Wall.

On Wednesday 6th and Friday 8th our second year students perform Blue, an achingly poignant story which looks at both sides of mental-health care – those who receive it, and those who give it. It explores the difficulties and complexities of life under observation, and shows how beautiful moments can be found even in the most fragile of circumstances.

Starts at 7.30pm, running time 1 hour approx.

On Thursday 7th and Saturday 9th our first-year students perform Opposites Attract which explores the highs and lows of the dating game and To Dye Or Not To Dye a hilarious exposé of the main characters of Hamlet set in the Royal Hairdressers Salon of Elsinore.

Starts at 7.30, running time 1 hour 30 minutes approx.

Free admission to all performances . We will be collecting donations for Unicef Ukraine Emergency Appeal.

CDCFE Showcase

See what CDCFE has to offer you in our new video.


Information Evening April 5th

Coláisite Dhúlaigh College of Further Education will be hosting an Information Evening on Tuesday 5th April from 4.30 – 7pm in our Coolock campus.

This will give prospective students the opportunity to talk to current students and staff and we will also have members of our Guidance Counsellor team, Learner Support team and staff from the Adult Literacy Service available to talk to on the night.

CDCFE Graduates Nominated for IFTA

Coláiste Dhúlaigh CFE Graduates nominated for IFTA  

Two graduates of CDCFE’s BA in Film & Television Production have been nominated for Best Short Film in this year’s IFTA’s.   

Best Foot Forward depicts a day in the life of artist Mary Duffy, a painter born without arms.  The six-minute film is directed and produced by Film & Television Production BA graduates Sean Hart and Bill McHugh. It has been successful on the film festival circuit in both Ireland and abroad. Other nominations in this year’s IFTAs include Kenneth Branagh’s Belfast and RTE’s hit drama Kin. The ceremony will be screened on Virgin Media One on the 12th of March.

Sean Hart who produced the film, discovered Mary Duffy, from Newcastle Co Wicklow, while he was researching artists for a college project. Duffy has had documentaries made about her before, but Sean says “I knew that only a fraction of her personality and stories had been shown in the previous documentaries and that they also portrayed her through the same lens. She was portrayed as a woman with a disability who creates art, never simply a great artist.”

On receiving an IFTA nomination for Best Foot Forward Sean commented “I was still trying to wrap my head around its success on the festival circuit and the IFTA nomination came out of nowhere. I’m still in shock really. I can say with certainty that the film wouldn’t have been half as good if it wasn’t for the advice and help of the tutors in Coláiste Dhúlaigh”.

Film Degree course coordinator Leticia Agudo said “these films were made during a very difficult academic year, under the restrictions and hardship of the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Staff and students at the college adapted and strived to still make films under the circumstances, and we’re very proud of the achievements of all the films.”

Best Foot Forward’s producer Bill McHugh studied on Coláiste Dhúlaigh’s two year Higher National Diploma (HND) in Film Production before completing the final Top Up Degree year that is accredited by University of Wolverhampton and delivered on site in CDCFE’s Coolock campus. The film’s director Sean Hart studied the Film & TV HND in Bray Institute of Further Education before coming to CDCFE.

This year’s IFTA shortlist success follows previous nominations for Animation BA graduate Aidan McAteer for his short animation Streets of Fury in 2020. Applications for the Film & Television BA, as well as all other courses beginning in September are now open at www.cdcfe.ie/apply

KEYFRAME 8 Animation Talks & Workshops

Keyframe is an event run by the Media and Animation Courses at Coláiste Dhúlaigh CFE in Coolock. Each year we welcome industry professionals, many of whom are ex-students of the Media and Animation Courses, to hear them talk about their work and how they found their way into a career in Media.

This year we have people from the world of animation production, directing, stop motion and filmmaking.

The talks start each day at 9.30am in the Coolock Campus and will run until approximately 12.30pm. Workshops for animation students will take place in the animation studio from 2pm to 4pm. All are welcome and the event is free, although places will be on a first come first served basis.

Three New Level 6 Courses for September

Three New QQI Level 6 courses starting in September 2022.

The courses are in Advanced Art & Design and Journalism & New Media.

Advanced Art & Design gives students an excellent opportunity to further develop their artistic skills and creativity.  The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to work independently in a fine art and design context, or to progress to higher education.

Journalism & New Media is a one year course that aims to align traditional journalistic skills with modern and varied ways of storytelling, including; podcasting, radio, video, print, and online publication.

In Ireland an inclusive education has been interpreted as providing a continuum of educational provision for students with special educational needs that encompasses mainstream classes, special classes in mainstream schools and special schools. CDCFE Inclusive Education and Training course will not only prepare you for intellectual development of learners, but also play a key role in moral and social development.

Mature students are welcome on all our courses and all course details can be found by clicking on the links below.

Advanced Certificate in Art and Design

Journalism and New Media


Queries on these courses can be sent to coolock@cdcfe.cdetb.ie


Exciting New Courses for September

We are delighted to announce four exciting new courses that will start September 2022. The courses are now open applications. Click on the course name to go to the course page.

Pre-University Psychology

Rehabilitation, Sport & Exercise

Advanced Certificate in Art & Design Level 6

Inclusive Education & Training

Applications for Top-Up Degree Courses Now Open

Applications for our Top-Up Degree courses in Animation, Multimedia Journalism, Film and Television Production and Drama are now Open.

View the course pages by clicking on the links below. Please apply using the link “Please apply using this link only” and then choose the Coláiste Dhúlaigh campus.

B.A. (Hons) Film & Television Production (top-up)

Tour Guiding and Entrepreneurship Courses Starting in January

CDCFE have two new Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) courses starting in mid January; Tour Guiding and Entrepreneurship – Start Your Own Business.

Queries can be directed to our BTEI Coordinator Helen O’Mahony (helen.omahony@cdcfe.cdetb.ie) with a full list of our available BTEI courses available here.

Applications are now open.

View the Tour Guiding course page here.

View the Entrepreneurship – Start Your Own Business course page here.

Online Classes Wednesday December 8th

Classes will be online today Wednesday December 8th.

Online classes Tuesday 7th

Classes will be back in college on Wednesday 8th December.

Information Evening Webinar December 8th

We are hosting an Information Evening Webinar on Wednesday December 8th at 7pm.

This webinar will cover topics including

  • Courses on Offer
  • Admissions Process
  • Qualifications & Progression
  • SUSI Grants
  • Learner Supports
  • Student Services and Support
  • CDCFE from a students point of view

Students can register for advance here to receive a reminder email or click in on the evening.

Applications for all our courses starting September 2022 are now open and you can apply here

CDCFE Academic Calendar 2021 – 2022

Student Calendar 2021_2022

Traineeships starting soon

CDCFE have two Traineeships starting in mid November, Logistics with Forklift Licence and Tourism & Hospitality.

A traineeship is a blend of classes in the college and work placement with partner companies where students will learn from being on site in their relevant industry. Our previous traineeships have been very successful for helping student secure employment.

Applications are now open.

View Traineeship in Logistics with Forklift Licence here

View Tourism & Hospitality Traineeship here

College Start September 2021

College Start September 2021

First and foremost, we are welcoming our new and returning students back to Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE) and here is some useful information for our College start in September 2021.


Payment and registration fees

We are getting closer to our September school re-opening and if you have been offered a place on a course, please review your student account information and fees due for your course.

Click here to login into your account and select Payment –  https://ams.enrol.ie/cdcfe/2021/


Induction Days

Online inductions are scheduled as follows for all PLC courses.

1st Years – Friday 17th September

2nd & 3rd Years  – Wednesday 15th September


College Opening Date

Our courses are due to start on the 20th of September 2021 in alignment with our Government Covid 19 guidelines.

Entrepreneurship in the Outdoors

Are you, or have you been, involved as an educator, a leader, an instructor or a senior instructor in the Outdoors? 

Are you looking at consolidating your skills, upskilling or achieving NGB qualifications? 

Are you interested in setting up your own business and/or going freelance? 


If so, we might have the right course for you: 

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education offers a 1 year entrepreneurship program which combines workshops and work experience to help you achieve all of the above. 


Workshops are based on “start your own business”, “entrepreneurship”, “digital marketing” and skills development. 

Work experience and CPD opportunities are facilitated in conjunction with our  “Shackleton” program (field studies, first aid, sailing, windsurfing, powerboating, kayaking, hillwalking and rock climbing) 


Click on the  course page for more info or contact Eléonore: Eleonore.conroy@cdcfe.cdetb.ie

View Our Recent Webinar

See our recent Webinar below. If there are any queries please email coolock@cdcfe.cdetb.ie

Our full course catalog can be found here

Applications are now open and you can apply here



Graphic Design Virtual Exhibition

Come join the graduating class of Graphic Design at Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE) at their virtual exhibition. In the grounds of our Raheny campus on a beautiful sunny day our 3D Virtual Tour brings you a variety of graphic design works but best of all meet the students, read about their work, view a selection of images and visit some of their portfolio websites among other exciting online offerings.

This 3 year course resulting in a BTEC HND in Graphic Design covers some of the most exciting and up to date fields in the areas of visual communications, typography, branding, web design & development and illustration to name but a few. The students have worked amazingly throughout the last three years and are delighted to showcase the fruits of their labour with you.

Each student has a virtual showcase where you can click through to various galleries, blogs, portfolios and LinkedIn pages. Have a browse and if you have a VR head set you can use this to really experience the grounds and the student’s work.


Caelum Adams, Nell Aere,  Eszter Kovacs, Yasushi Otoshiro, Marcin Wrobel, Amy Zhang


We are hosting a Webinar on Wednesday 12th May at 7pm – 8pm.

This webinar is aimed at students and parents/ Guardians /Advisors. The purpose of the webinar is to give a broad view on the options available in the Further Education sector and it will cover:

  • The application process
  • Types of courses on offer/Certification
  • How courses run (continuous assessment etc.)
  • Progression routes from courses
  • Views from current and past students
  • Student supports available

You will be able to register for this event here soon.

There will be a chat function for questions on the night but if you want to send in your question before the event please email 21webinar@cdcfe.ie

Photography Exhibition

Photography at CDCFE

The level 6 Photography students at Coláiste Dhúlaigh CFE welcome you to our online photography exhibition entitled 5K.

The name of the exhibition is indicative of the travel restrictions we faced during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our remit for the exhibition was therefore to take photographs within a five kilometres radius of our homes.
The photographs are real, some are surreal but they all speak in the universal language of photography and shared experience of the entire planet.

It would be a pleasure to have your company on the (20th April 2021) for the opening of our exhibition. The exhibition will be available to view from 4pm onwards on the 20th April 2021.

Please click on link to view exhibition: www.artsteps.com and search for 5K.

List of participants: Lisa Broughan, Gerry Savage, Samuel Ajasa, Sean Bruen, Shannon Smith, Bláithín Maguire, Philip Masterson, Emma Kearney, Laura Reilly, John Waldron, James Leblique, Lydia McHale, Mohammed Rahain.

Degree Information Evening

Thanks to all those who attended our Information Evening for our Top-Up Degrees. If you missed the event or have any queries please email coolock@cdcfe.cdetb.ie and we will get back to you.

As part of the Dublin City Learning Festival we will be hosting an Information Evening for our Top-Up Degree courses in Animation, Drama, Multimedia Production and Film & Television Production on Monday March 22nd from 5-6pm.

Tutors from each course will explain the entry requirements for our Top-Up Degrees, discuss the courses and take any questions you have.

You do not have to register for this event. The link will be live on www.cdcfe.ie from 5pm on Monday 22nd.

Applications for the Top-Up Degrees are now open. To apply go to the individual course page and click on the apply links.

Thanks for Attending!

Thank you to everyone who attended our Information Evening this afternoon from 4-5pm.

If you missed it you can check out our video below that explains all our courses from each department.

You can also email coolock@cdcfe.cdebt.ie with any of your queries.

Applications for courses starting September 2021 are Now Open. Apply Here.


CDCFE Showcase

Watch tutors from all our departments explain the courses on offer and the progression routes available.

Applications are Now Open. Apply here

Open Day March 3rd

We are hosting a virtual Open Day on Wednesday 3rd March from 4-5pm. Registration is not required for this event. Links will be on our website from 4pm on the day.

This will give prospective students the chance to speak to our tutors from all departments, to our Guidance Counsellors and our Learner Support team.

If you wish to get a reminder email about this event please email 20virtualopenday@cdcfe.ie

We are now taking applications for PLC courses starting 2021. Once you apply you will receive a provisional course offer which is subject to meeting course entry requirements. Apply here.


Online classes resume January 6th

College buildings will remain closed this week. Online classes will resume on Wednesday 6th January to Friday 8th January to complete semester 1.

All assignment deadlines remain in place. Students should continue to engage with tutors from Wednesday 6th.

New Courses for January

A new course in IT Applications and coding will start on January 25h. This will course will cover Computer Programming, Computer Networking and Computer Applications.  To apply for this course click on Apply on the website and choose PLC (courses starting Jan 2021).

A new course in Tour Guiding will start on January 25th. This course is run under our “Skills to Advance” provision. This provision is for those who are in employment and want to upskill. See more information on Skills to Advance here. To apply for this course click Apply on the website and choose Skills to Advance in Department Choice 1.


Virtual Open Day

Our Virtual Open Day took place from 4-6pm on Wednesday 9th December. Thank you to all who attended.

For any other queries please email coolock@cdcfe.cdetb.ie

Virtual Open Day December 9th 4-6pm

We will be hosting a Virtual Open Day on Wednesday 9th December from 4-6pm. You do not need to register for this event just go to cdcfe.ie and join.

This event will give prospective students the opportunity to talk to our tutors, Guidance Counsellors and Student Support Services.

To get a reminder about this event email 20virtualopenday@cdcfe.ie


September 2021 Applications

Applications for courses starting September 2021 will be opening on Monday 23rd November. Applicants will be offered a place subject to meeting course entry requirements in their Leaving Certificate.