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Online classes resume January 6th

Online classes resume January 6th

College buildings will remain closed this week. Online classes will resume on Wednesday 6th January to Friday 8th January to complete semester 1.

All assignment deadlines remain in place. Students should continue to engage with tutors from Wednesday 6th.

New Courses for January

A new course in IT Applications and coding will start on January 25h. This will course will cover Computer Programming, Computer Networking and Computer Applications.  To apply for this course click on Apply on the website and choose PLC (courses starting Jan 2021).

A new course in Tour Guiding will start on January 25th. This course is run under our “Skills to Advance” provision. This provision is for those who are in employment and want to upskill. See more information on Skills to Advance here. To apply for this course click Apply on the website and choose Skills to Advance in Department Choice 1.


Virtual Open Day

Our Virtual Open Day took place from 4-6pm on Wednesday 9th December. Thank you to all who attended.

For any other queries please email coolock@cdcfe.cdetb.ie

Virtual Open Day December 9th 4-6pm

We will be hosting a Virtual Open Day on Wednesday 9th December from 4-6pm. You do not need to register for this event just go to cdcfe.ie and join.

This event will give prospective students the opportunity to talk to our tutors, Guidance Counsellors and Student Support Services.

To get a reminder about this event email 20virtualopenday@cdcfe.ie


September 2021 Applications

Applications for courses starting September 2021 will be opening on Monday 23rd November. Applicants will be offered a place subject to meeting course entry requirements in their Leaving Certificate.


CDCFE Tutor Nominated for Best Documentary 2020 in the Dublin International Short Film and Music Festival

Gringo Mike nominated for Best Documentary 2020 in the Dublin International Short Film and Music Festival.

Coláiste Dhúlaigh media tutor Lorraine Harton, director of Gringo Mike, has been nominated for Best Documentary award at the DISFMF which streamed online from the 9th-11th October.

The 20 minute long documentary chronicles the charity work of Donegal man Michael Murphy (“Gringo Mike”) in his Peru Children’s Charity in Lima.  The charity assists children with special needs through a family support centre set up and largely funded by Michael.

Harton filmed the documentary while travelling in South America.  She volunteered in the centre in Las Lomas de Carabayllo, a particularly poor area of Lima.  It documents the stories of young boys, Ricky Martin and Robert Diaz Huaman and their families, who receive no Peruvian government support for rehabilitation of their disabilities. 

“The documentary took about a year to make. We used our own money for filming, editing and translating. Everyone who worked on the film refused to take a fee and instead donated it to the Peru Children’s Charity. The Cavan Arts Council recently awarded a grant for distribution for the film which I was really grateful for as I feel it’s important to raise awareness of this charity and the great work that Michael does”

Retired civil engineer Michael started the charity in 2004 through a connection with a nun, Sr Noemi, who was working in Lima.  When he witnessed the lack of treatment for children with special needs he set up the centre so that their families could have somewhere to to wash, eat and receive medicine and physiotherapy.  To date the centre is entirely funded by donations from fundraisers organised by Michael’s charity and the local community.

“I really admire the way that the Peru Children’s Charity receives 100% of any donations. There are so many small worthwhile charities out there helping people in need. I hope that this documentary can keep raising awareness of the plight of the children in Peru. Most of the donations come from Ireland.”

“When I set out to do the documentary I just wanted to make something about an interesting person, and Michael Murphy seemed perfect.  However now it has become so much more than that.  The mothers of the boys were illiterate and lived in such poverty, everything they had came from the Peru Children’s Charity. Michael was so modest about the work that he does and acts as if its nothing, but his centre has done so much for its users”

“Since returning to Ireland I have become so much more aware of the waste in our society.  The people in Peru use every part of what they have, from food to materials etc.  I now try to live a more sustainable life after witnessing the amount of people living in extreme poverty, but also seeing the amount of people out there trying to help”

Gringo Mike will also be shown at the Fastnet Film Festival in Cork.  The public can donate to the Peru Children’s Charity or find out about how to volunteer at peruchildrenscharity.org.

Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE) has developed an Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries course along with ‘Greendale Enterprise Hub in Kilbarrack Campus.

Creative industries are made up of many different sectors including,

  • Advertising and marketing
  • Architecture and interiors
  • Sport, leisure, and wellbeing
  • All Crafts
  • Design: product, graphic and fashion design
  • Film, TV, video, radio, photography and animation
  • IT, software, and computer services
  • Publishing, creative writing, and illustrations
  • Museums, galleries and libraries
  • Music, performing and visual arts

The purpose of the course is to give individuals the opportunity to develop their business idea, skill, product or service and to equip them with knowledge, skills and confidence start their own small business.

Individuals from various backgrounds will work together in a shared office hub with facilities available to help them perfect their skills/product/service while being supported by mentors. The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures in Start Your Own Business and Digital Marketing, as well as mentoring to help learners create their own business.

If you want to start your own business or develop a skill you have, and turn it into a small business, then this course is for you.

Please contact our course coordinator

Noreen Connolly O’Prey [noreen.connolly-oprey@cdcfe.cdetb.ie] to express your interest in enrolling on the course.

Course charges are €250. Any applicant in receipt of any social welfare payment or credits, and PUP payments will receive a waiver on the course charges. *

Applications for September 2021

Applications for 2020 courses are now closed. Applications for courses starting September 2021 will open in November.

Applications Close Tuesday 22nd

Applications for all courses will close on Tuesday 22nd. Apply now to secure your place. All classes will start the week beginning September 28th.

Induction for 1st Years

Induction for first year students will take place from Monday 21st. Student will receive an email from their course co-ordinator about the date and time of their induction. We look forward to seeing you.

All students must be wearing a face mask when they come into the college and must complete the Commencement of Learning Declaration which they have received by email before they come in for induction. Please upload this completed form to your MIT college account.

Online Payments from August 13th

We will be taking online payments from August 13th.

Click here to pay.

Online Payments

Online payments will become live very shortly. Please check back soon.

To pay your course charge you will need your username and password to log into our system. This was emailed to you when you applied for the course and is the same username and password that you would have used to log into our application system previously.


New Springboard Courses

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education are now offering two Springbaord courses to commence in September 2020. The courses are;

B.A. (Hons) Top-Up Degree in Animation – see course page here

Building Information Modelling (BIM) – see course page here

These courses are available to both those employed and unemployed. The course is offered free to unemployed and a minimal cost to the employed participants.

To apply for these courses see springboardcourses.ie

Springboard+ is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF programme for employability, inclusion and learning 2014-2020.


Top-Up Degree In Multimedia Journalism

Top-Up Degree In Multimedia Journalism

This one year course will be delivered on a part time/evening basis at our Coolock campus, with a minimum of 12 contact hours per week.  The radio broadcasting elements of the course will take place in the nearby NEAR fm radio facilities. The course requires full commitment from participants, as self-directed learning is central to successful completion of the Top-up degree.

The course, which will be taught by industry professionals, will develop learners’ ability to communicate effectively via a range of broadcast and digital platforms. You will be encouraged to engage in independent, critical thinking and to use your imagination, creativity and organisational skills. Participants should also demonstrate the ability to work to deadlines in the creation of journalistic items for broadcast/publication.

See the course page here

This is what former student Cathal Minogue had to say about course.

‘’I could not recommend the ‘Top Up Degree In Multimedia Journalism’ enough. I had just finished a PLC in Radio Broadcasting in Cork and wanted to develop my skills in all aspects of Journalism. I decided to make the big move to Dublin and I have not looked back since. From modules such as ‘Convergent News Production’ and ‘Investigative Journalism’. The course covered all aspects of Journalism in the Digital Age. Working closely with Melissa and all the other lecturers, gave me the confidence to graduate and go out and find employment in the industry. I had applied for this course with the hope of working in the radio industry, but since graduating I have worked in TV production as well as radio. Without their knowledge and guidance I would not have landed my dream job in RTÉ.’’

College Closed Until Further Notice

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education will be closed until further notice. Students will not have access to the buildings while the college is closed.

Students should check their college emails regularly as this will be the main method the college will communicate with students. Please check their moodle and Google classroom accounts for assignments and instructions from tutors.

Applications for courses starting September are open.

Some courses may involve remote teaching next academic year depending on COVID-19 and the instruction from the HSE.

Advice on Coronavirus

The college is not affected by the Coronavirus and remains open. Should this situation change all students will be notified. The college is receiving regular updates from the HSE and we are asking all students to pay attention to notices regarding the Coronavirus in the college and to make themselves familiar with the advice given from the HSE.

See advice from the HSE at https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html


Art and Design Workshops 2020

Art & Design Department Workshops 2020

Workshops have been fully booked out.

We would like to invite senior cycle students, interested in  art and design as a course choice, to an afternoon of design workshops on Thursday 27th February 1-4pm at our Raheny Campus. These workshops are aimed at introducing the different design courses that we provide at Colaiste Dhulaigh college of further education. If you or anyone you know are interested in signing up for the workshops please register your interest by emailing artanddesign@cdcfe.com

Prizes, refreshments and all materials will be provided on the day.

Places are limited so register early.



Our Animation Top-up Degree (Hons) are proud to present KEYFRAME 7 which will see a number of the Animation industries top talents speak about their journey to and experiences of the industry. The seminars are open to the public and will take place in our Coolock campus.

Below details the exciting lineup.


3-7th Feb

Time Event Speaker Discipline
Mon 3rd 9.30 Series and Concept Development for Animation Andrew Kavanagh CEO

Kavaleer productions

  10.30 Jam Media,

Design and development

Chris Dicker Head of Development

Jam Media

  11.30 Storytelling and its importance in the Human Experience John Dawson Screenwriter, Story Consultant, Script editor
Weds 5th 9.30 Sound Production for Animation Steve Maher Sound Mixer

Raygun Post

  10.30 Character Design for Production Finbar Coyle


Character Designer

Kavaleer Productions

  11.30 20 years in the animation industry with Boulder Media. Progressing from an Animator to a Director. Gillian



Hasbro at Boulder Media

Thurs 6th 9.30 Recently been promoted Niamh Maher

Maximum Media

Director of Audio
  10.30 Will discuss her career to date. Great story, highs and lows. Suzanne Kane


Weekly Contributor to Virgin Media Weekend Ireland AM, Station Voice Over with Today FM and Host of Dubland Podcast with PJ Gallagher (PJ possible could come – TBC)
  11.30 Co Founders , PR, Journalism, Radio & TV Production Al Dunne & Breda Brown


Co Founders

Unique Media

  1:30 News/ Entertainment Reader, DJ, MC, Pdcaster Emma Power 2FM Breakfast Eoghan & Dorieann
Fri 7th 9.30 Expressive Posing for Animators and Illustrators Estrela Lourenço Storyboard Artist

Hasbro at Boulder Media

  10.30 Sky News – Journalism Alison Comyn Sky News
  11:30 The Thom Guide To Starting Your Career* and other things we need to talk about (What kind of Artist Are You?  Work Hard, Plan Big-build your strategy and Managing the Work/Life Balance) Kyla Tomlinson 2D character animator, portrait artist and cartoonist/illustrator

Hasbro at Boulder Media



Applications Open

Applications for all courses are Now Open. Apply here.

We are not taking payment for courses presently. We will have an online payment system in the next few weeks. Please keep checking the website for updates.

As we are not in a position to interview we are offering places on courses subject to meeting course requirements and we will be in touch during the summer. The college understands that not all students will be able to get two references for application due to schools being closed.

Some courses may involve remote teaching next academic year depending on COVID-19 and the instruction from the HSE.


New Courses for September 2020

We have four new courses starting in September 2020:
Click on the courses above to go to the course page and apply here

Traineeship Information Session

An Information Session for our Traineeship in Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Customer Service Logistics starting January 27th will take place in Speedpak, Clonshaugh Ind. Park on Monday 20th at 11am.

The course is run with leading local industries including IKEA, Butlers Chocoloates, Bewleys, RealTime Technologies and Allergan Pharmaceuticals.

The Traineeship has been very successful for many graduates who secure full time jobs.

Click here for to see location of Speedpak.

Click here to see the Traineeship course page.

New Course in Social Media Influencer

Apply here

Social Media Influencer – QQI Award in Multimedia Production (Level 5 5M2146)

A Social Media Influencer is a user of social media who has established credibility in a specific industry. They have access to a large audience and can persuade others by virtue of their authenticity.

On this course you will learn the fundamentals of influencer marketing through Instagram and Youtube platforms. The course will focus on content creation, attracting followers, building a base, sponsorship, creating short videos and developing a Youtube channel.

On completion of this course a student can progress to Journalism HND, Visual Communications HND, Marketing or develop an online Influencer/Youtube profile.

Course Content

Multimedia Authoring, Multimedia Project Development, Marketing Practice, Media Analysis, Design Skills, Communications, Work Experience, Web Authoring.

Entry Criteria

Leaving Certificate (minimum of 5 O6’s / 5 H7’s) or Leaving Certificate Applied (minimum of a Merit profile) and interview. Mature students are welcome.


One year


QQI level 5


On completion of this course a student can progress to Journalism HND, Visual Communications HND, Marketing or develop an online Influencer/Youtube profile.

Course Charges


*includes €200 Govt. charge

Apply here

Information Evening Thursday 16th January

We are hosting Information Evening on Thursday 16th January from 4.30 – 7pm in our Coolock campus. This will give prospective students and their parents/guardians the opportunity to talk to staff and students about all our courses.

We will also be running Interview Preparation Seminars at 5.00pm, 5.30pm and 6.00pm which will cover all the detail of our interview process.

Our interviews will take place on Friday January 24th.


Interviews taking place on Friday 24th January

Interviews for courses starting September 2020 are taking place on Friday 24th January.

You can apply here.

We are hosting an Information Evening on Thursday 16th January from 4.30 – 7pm in our Coolock campus. Staff and students will be available to talk to on the evening to help you find the course that is right for you.

Applications for Courses Starting September 2020 Now Open

Applications for courses starting September 2020 are now open.

You can apply here

Our Information Evening on Thursday 14th November in our Coolock campus from 4.30-7pm will give prospective students the ideal opportunity to speak to current students and our staff about finding a course that is right for them.


Information Evening November 14th

We are hosting an Information Evening on Thursday 14th November from 4.30 -7pm in our Coolock campus. Staff and students will be available to talk to you about our courses and how to  use our courses for progression to third level colleges and universities.

With over 30 courses to choose from start your route to success with CDCFE.

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education



Free Courses in Pottery and Cafe & Deli Service Skills

We are now accepting applications for Pottery for Beginners and Cafe and Deli Service Skills. These courses will start in early November and run until May 2020.

See the Pottery for Beginners course here
See the Cafe and Deli Service course here

These courses are run under the Back to Education Initiative (BTEI).  BTEI gives unemployed adults the opportunity of returning to part time education, while retaining their benefit.

It’s not to late to sign up

It is not to late to sign up for your perfect college course with us. We are still accepting applications for over 30 PLC courses. Apply here or call into us in any campus this week from 16th -20th September between 10am and 2pm to discuss the course that is right for you. Courses starting soon.

Free Hairdressing Taster Course